SELLING with Karen

My goal is to help you sell your property quickly for top dollar, and offer a comprehensive menu of services. I will represent you in all aspects of the purchase or sale process, assuming your best interests are always at heart.


selling process

If you are in the process of buying, selling or renting a property. Get the help finding the right
home, pricing and selling a home, contracts, negotiations and more.

  • 1

    Set a timeline

    Before committing to the sometimes long and expensive process of buying & selling a home, I make sure to identify the reason for doing so, which includes desired time frames.

  • 2

    Get a pre-sale home inspection

    It's a must! Once it takes place, everything will be assessed thoroughly.

  • 3

    Understand your home's worth

    Make sure to do more research to understand the market in your area and provide the best value/deal for you!

  • 4

    Prepare to spend

    Invest in improvements! Improvements that will add at least twice their cost to your home's value.

  • 5

    Prepare your home

    To help you get your house ready to be shown, an effective checklist to create a positive impression on your prospects should be done.

  • 6

    Make the most important repairs

    Make sure your house is in tip-top shape by investing in a pre-sale exterior.

  • 7

    Set a realistic price

    Determine an accurate value of your property, set a firm base price, have a plan for what to do if your listing doesn't sell.

  • 8

    Get your home show ready!

    Your house is set and available to list in the market!

success steps

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